
What is Karate?

Karate is a representative martial art of Japan, commonly known as “Karate” worldwide. Unlike Taekwondo, which emphasizes kicking, Karate focuses on hand strikes and punches. It is believed to have originated in Okinawa, Japan, and was introduced to Korea in the 14th century.

Karate competitions are divided into kumite (sparring) and kata (forms). In the Asian Games, the term “kumite” is used. Kumite is a type of match where two competitors face off using techniques from kata. There are individual and team competitions, and the competition time is three minutes.

In kumite, direct attacks to the face or groin are prohibited, and only strikes within 5 cm of the opponent’s body are recognized as valid. Successful techniques that make light contact earn points based on the target area and execution. Techniques include punches, kicks, and strikes. Points are awarded as follows: three points for head kicks, two points for body kicks, and one point for punches.

At the Korea Black Belt Center, we teach a combination of Karate and Taekwondo techniques, focusing on the strengths of both martial arts. We aim to help students develop both physically and mentally, emphasizing courtesy and spirit.

Karate, a Japanese martial art emphasizing hand strikes and kata, is taught at the Korea Black Belt Center alongside Taekwondo to build physical and mental strength with a focus on courtesy and spirit.


